About Us
The changing of the guard as of September 19th……….
As most of you know this insurance office has been a very big part of my life for the last 38 years. Actually, I probably spent more time here than at home. I have always said that I would work until I was 70, but then I would be done. Well SOMEHOW that time has come already and it is proving to be much more difficult than I would have thought. I mean “most” people look forward to retirement – right? But for me….I’m not at all sure and there’s no guarantee that I won’t be back! But for you our customers there should be no change at all. Melissa Scroggs has worked here for 21 years. Tara Milligan has worked here for 16 years. Both are experienced agents that will continue to be employed here. The new face as of last November is my daughter and the new keeper of the guard, Teri Jo Wise. Teri Jo and her husband Steve have purchased the agency and have the same goals and objectives – to take care of you and to make sure that if a catastrophe happens, we get your life set right and back to normal as quickly as possible. One of my first retirement projects is to help my husband clean out his barn. The staff is taking bets as to how long it will take Pete to bring me back to work! I want you to know that each and every one of you is important to me and your best interest has always been my number one priority. If I have learned one thing in my life, it is to care for others as God intended us to do. This job has been a perfect fit for me and I think you will find the same with Teri Jo. May God bless you all and keep you safe. Jeanette Heinze
New guard...same level of service
For those of you that I haven’t met yet, I’m Teri Jo Wise, daughter of Pete and Jeanette Heinze. Mom has taught me well that if you treat your customers well, they treat you well in return. My husband Steve and I have four kids with only one still in school. Between auctions and farming they are always busy. I’m finding that I have more time to devote to this new venture. I’m coming to the insurance business with a mechanical engineering background. I loved my job in engineering, but it was missing the taking care of people aspect. I love my new job. I say it’s solving problems in a whole new way… and I LOVE IT! I obtained both my property/casualty and life license in October 2019 and have spent the past year soaking up knowledge from the three very experienced agents in our office . I’m looking forward to many more years of working with Melissa and Tara. We have an awesome office rapport. Melissa and Tara have been taking care of our customers for several years and know many of you well. Mom will only be a phone call away for me to reference if I have a question. Although if she really does get after Dad to clean the barn – he will be paying me to bring her back! We have heard stories that some area agents have retired and their clients are left asking “who is my agent and how will this change my coverage”. I would like to personally let you know that Melissa, Tara and I are here to take care of your insurance needs including quotes, applications, claims and everything in between. We are here to serve. Your policy/policies will remain in force with no change unless you request a change be processed. Thank you for trusting your business with us. Teri Jo Wise Heinze Insurance Hours : Monday—Friday 9am-5pm Saturdays and Evenings by Appointment 132 E Main St. PO Box 580 Wayne, OH 43466 www.HeinzeInsurance.com (419) 288-3762
Services We Offer